-Henry Miller

Friday, August 31, 2012


I've been to Davao several times now,but this is my first time to travel alone and explore the beautiful island of Samal,located in Davao city, Philippines.A day of touring around the island is worth taking as i longed for this adventure a year ago, now I'm doing it timely for a Kadayawan festival 2012,and I'm excited to share it with you my unforgettable and fun adventure of Samal island.
Vanishing Island,Samal
My day started at 7 :00 am in the morning after  my breakfast in my hotel, im heading up to Sasa wharf by a jeep, it takes only 20 minutes of travel with a 10 pesos fair from claveria,davao where my hotel is located,public jeepney is accessible if you are not on a hurry, a taxi with 40 pesos flag down rate is also available just ask the driver where you going .At the Sasa wharf, motorboats are available every 15 minutes for passengers direct to Babak wharf,Samal,the ride will cost you only 25 pesos for a 15 minutes ferryboat ride to Babak,Samal.
From Babak port a lot of habal-habal or motor bikes are available for rent,you can arrange and ask for the cost, like if travelling for 2 persons it would be about 3oo-500 pesos to see the tourist spot in Samal Island.No need to worry about your safety because a lot of port guards are assigned in the area and most of the people in Samal are friendly and honest especially the drivers,they can be trusted ,that is why I choose habal-habal as my preference of transportation for its easy access in maneuvering difficult roads.With this tour package rate they had,it includes the Vanishing island, Monfort Bat caves,Hagimit falls,the quarry where you can see overlooking the Pearl farm Resort and the magnificent Mt. Apo on the far side,and last stop is the Kaputian.
My first stop on the island garden city of Samal is the vanishing island,from the babak wharf you can already see the vast of white sand of vanishing island under a heating sun,In Tambo, a  small boat can be hired along the coastal area of Samal for 250 pesos for the entire boat and wait for you till you are done with your itinerary in the island.Going to the island can only take you to for about 5 minutes, the visible island can be seen only during low tides where you can appreciate its beauty,a vast stretch of white sand forming an island and appreciate the beauty while having a picnic or enjoy swimming in the clear water where a deferent kinds and color of star fish and sea shells  is visible, or you can have a sea urchin eaten raw where it is the main livelihood and  delicacy of the locals.  
Vanishing Island,Samal

The Monfort Bat Caves in Baranggay Tambo,Babak,samal island is the home of the world's largest colony of Rousette Fruit Bats (Rousettus Amplexicaudatus),stimated over 1.8 million bats living on the five remaining caves of Samal island in a 23 hectare of protected area at Monfort Eco Park,this Bats been a record holder of a Guinness Book of world Record as the biggest colony of Geoffrey’s Rousette Fruit Bat in the world.During the past years,irresponsible hunting and destruction of their habitats decreases the population of the bats,but now with the cooperation and organized conservation effort between the trustees,communities and the government of Samal today the park is now slowly recovering and hoping for a continues growth of bats population.With a 100/person entrance fee on peak season you can take photos inside the sanctuary,a tour guide will explain a brief nature of the bats including the Doe's and don't while inside the sanctuary, observe rules and regulation while inside the park.

third stop is the Hagimit Falls located in in piƱaplata samal island,from the highway a 10 minute ride of habal-habal on a rough road is a hidden natural falls of hagimit,a 10 peso entrance fee is a a stair down on the way to the falls,you can bring your foods with you for a picnic and swimming. Available rental cottages and amenities at affordable rates for the whole family and barkada's who wants to enjoy the natural cascading cold blue clear water in a various sizes and a pools to those who wants to enjoy a swim under the green scenery of tall trees around the area.

On our way to kaputian,my habal-habal driver called my attention on the right side of the street as he announce the quarry area where you can see the entire island of pearl farm and the magnificent view of Mt. Apo on the far side of the island,since my plan to have a reservation on pearl farm has been cancelled due to their rack rates and my budget was shallow, at least i got a top view of the resort and Mt. Apo,thanks to nick that we made a stop over. We eat my sandwich I prepared early that morning and a bottles of water.Seems there, with this beautiful sight you had this feeling to stay forever and not moving on to the real world full of noise and bustling streets,I won't forget this places as I recall because only this I realized that I am human,connecting to the nature where God's creation has no boundaries.

 Pearl Farm Resort
Pearl farm Resort

Mt. Apo

And my last drop off point is headed to dapia,kaputian beach resort,its a public white beach resort with picnic cottages, and for over night cottages available for rent,they had a complete amenities just good for a camping groups with a tent staying over night,security of the area is not a problem since the CFARMO-Fisheries Law  Enforcement Team had their  station right on the resort. A 10 pesos entrance fee per person, now you can enjoy the wide white sand.there you can see the preserved sea cow as a tourist attraction in the place.
Preserve Sea cow
It is know for a white beach where the name Kaputian(white) in local dialect derives.


to sum it all my cost on a motorbike was only 300pesos,very affordable deal though! ^^

...afternoon, waiting for my ferry boat bound to talikud island,i can't believed that i made the entire tour half day.

..and this will be my port of entry to Talikud island.